Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bing SEO Analyzer

How to Optimize Webpage using Bing's SEO Analyzer

SEO Analyzer

    We all know how critical it is that we submit our webpages and blogs to search engines like Google and Bing. We do this so that the pages can be indexed and probed for search results. But is is also very important that our webpages are optimized for these search engines, not only in applying the effective SEO techniques but by applying them correctly otherwise we may be penalized. 
    Today I was making my rounds continuing to add our blog to search engines when I came upon Bing's webmasters page where I did the usual copy and paste the meta tag into <head>, verify the webpage, and add sitemap.xml when I noticed the SEO Analyzer tab. An SEO Analyzer is a program that view a page of your website and finds errors pertaining to optimizing the pages compatibility with the search engine. I opened the tab intrigued, entered my URL and ran the analyzer. I received four errors: 
  • The title is too short or too long
  • There are multiple <h1> tags on the page 
  • There are multiple descriptions on the page
  • The page is missing meta language information
how to bign SEO analyzer
Displayed is my print out of the SEO Analyzer. It may be helpful to view your errors in the page source. 

How I Fixed my Bing SEO Analyzer Errors

    The first error was easy to fix. I navigated to the blogger "Template" page and selected the "Edit HTML" option. My title was probably around 100 characters, the title is supposed to be no more than 50 or 60 characters. Done. 

    The Second error was that there were multiple <h1> tags on the page. My site is a blog and thus shows portions of my articles on the home page. If I use <h1> tags in the articles, the <h1> rags will also show up on the home page. To fix this I had to edit each article and downgrade each header tag; the <h1> went to <h2>, and any following tags were similarly downgraded. This is very important to fix because some search engines, Google claims that header tags are no longer important in their search algorithm, use the header tags to determine the content to the articles and thus pagerank. When header tags were relevant, people would exploited them by increasing the number of <h1> tags, there should only be one per page, in order to increase their page rank. This would make the page appear as though it was discussing a number of topics when they really were not. Since Google has identified this as an exploiting technique, they will penalize websites using it, even if it is not intended. Thus, it is important we fix this so as to not get penalized. 

    The third error was that there were multiple meta description tags on the page; this was because I had added my own description to the html, but Blogger also adds their own description to the html. The fix was easy, just remove the <meta type=description> tag in the HTML by going to the "Template" page and clicking "Edit HTML". 

    The fourth and final fix was missing meta language information. I did a quick google search for the error and found that the line Bing was refering to was "<meta content="en-us" http-equiv="Content-Language" />". I copied and pasted the tag into the <head> section of the html by going to the "Template" page and clicking "Edit HTML".

    While I can not yet confirm that these fixes worked because Bing has yet to update my changes I believe it is safe to say that the fixes will work. I must also not that these were only the Errors on the home page. I would recommend you do this for your other pages also. I cannot stress the importance of properly applying SEO techniques. SEO techniques are very important to increasing your page rank but if done improperly can have devastating effects.

Thanks for Reading!!

My Article on SEO techniques discusses several components such as meta tags, headers, description tags and web tools also discussed within this article. Check It out!!

Reader Content Guest Posts

Reader Content Guest Posts

Hey Guys,
I would like to start doing a reader content section. It can be related to the blog or unrelated, and anything from a question to a guest article post. Let me know if anyone is interested or if anyone is interested or if anyone else has any ideas.

Thanks Guys

How to Guarantee Page Views Using StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon, Source of Guaranteed Page Views


     StumbleUpon has been great. Currently, we have so few page views that what StumbleUpon does contribute seems to quantify a large portion of our total traffic. So, It is reasonable to suggest that the effect would not be so influential on a larger blog, but the concept of guaranteed page views or traffic, no matter how small, still applies. StumbleUpon works but displaying user uploaded content to subscribers. This is in essence force feeding pages to StumbleUpon users. Users can choose what type of content they want to be given but beyond that they have little influence. Thus they have no idea whether they are going to be shown something from or from my site and thus have to be submitted as traffic to my blog. Now, they can down vote my content, but because StumbleUpon has to show the content to others users to avoid biases I am guaranteed more views regardless of the quality of the content. One would hope though that your content was good enough that it generated some positive feedback, but this is irrelevant being that the point is that by submitting your content to StumbleUpon you are guaranteed a certain number of views. 
how to generate traffic to blog using stumbleupon
The image above illustrates how influential StumbleUpon is in generating Traffic to the blog
    Currently, according to the blog's stats page StumbleUpon makes up my largest referrer, thus I recommend using StumbleUpon to generate a very small stream of traffic. To make uploading you pages to StumbleUpon I recommend that you download the StumbleUpon browser add-on so you can upload your content more easily. 

Thanks Again 

Happy 4th of July

How to Apply Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Increase Blog Traffic

How to Apply Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Increase Blog Traffic

Several Other Techniques

    Several other techniques that I have observed as being successful I found while listening to a podcast by Your Website Engineer - episode 065 - 6 ways to improve SEO Ranking . (I will do a more in depth write up tomorrow)

  • Keywords
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Tags 
  • Header Tags 
  • Image Optimization 
  • Utilization of Tools (Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, Google Keywords, etc...)

Learn how to apply SEO techniques
Comparison of views between  an article that used aforementioned SEO techniques and articles that have been on site for a couple of days already.
     The impact the techniques had on the article Learn How to Increase Traffic and Conversion Rate using Google’s Webmaster Tools is obvious. The article had only been posted for 30 mins and has as many views as an article that has been on the site for a matter of days. It would be ignorant to refuse the evidence and suggest anything other than the techniques applied had an impact on the number of views. Regardless, I will further explain the how I applied these techniques tomorrow, it is 1:30am here. Oh Ya, Happy 4th of July!!!

Thanks Again for reading!! Subscribe to our email list. 

We have reached 200 Views

200 views have been reached!!!

The 100 View Mark

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Learn How To add a Sitemap.xml to Google Webmaster Tools

Learn How to Add your Sitemap.xml File to Google Webmaster Tools

Add Your Sitemap

how to add sitemap.xml to webmaster tool for blogger blogs

First, login to your Webmaster account. If you do no have an account already you can view my post on how to Verify your website on Webmaster Tools account and verify your site. Once you have logged in select the Sitemap button. 
how to add sitemap.xml to google webmaster tools blogger blog
Here you can see the atom.xml and rss.xml sitemap entries
required only for blogger blogs as we do not have access to the webserver
     If you own your site you need to generate a sitemap.xml and upload it to the public-html directory titled "sitemap.xml" . This can be done using any free sitemap generator. Once you have generated the files and uploaded it to your webserver, using Webmaster Tools enter the location of the file ( in the sitemap section, and select ADD/TEST SITEMAP. Once you have tested the location of the sitemap repeat but select ADD sitemap this time.

    For Blogger sites you cannot access the web server and thus cannot upload the sitemap file. Therefore, we must enter "atom.xml" and or "rss.xml" (as illustrated in the picture above) as the locations of our sitemap.xml. Note that you do not have to do both one is sufficient.

Thanks for reading, comment, upvote our Reddit page and read our other articles.

This is the second article of two dealing with Google's Webmaster Tools. The first discusses How to Increase Traffic and Conversion Rate using Google’s Webmaster Tools

Learn How to Increase Traffic and Conversion Rate using Google’s Webmaster Tools

Increase Traffic and Conversion Rate using Google’s Webmaster Tools

Google’s Webmaster Tool

Bloggers, website owners and website content promoters must submit their website to a search engine in order to be indexed and included in searches for relevant topics. Bloggers, website owners, and web content promoters can add their website to Google using the Google Webmaster Tool. Doing so enables Google to find your site, index it, and rank it. Submitting your website to the Google Webmasters Tool will ultimately increase your traffic flow and increase your conversion rate. In the following article I will explain how you can add your website to Google's search engine using Webmaster Tools to increase your traffic and conversion rate.

Create Webmaster Tools Account and Verify Your Site

               First we need to create a Google Webmasters account; this can be done on the Google Webmaster Tool site. Once logged in, enter your website URL and click ok. You will be asked to verify your site; There are two methods to verify your site or blog (only one method for Blogger blogs).

The first method is to download the HTML file and upload it to the public-html folder on your web server. Once this is completed, revisit the webmasters tool and select the option to verify. Google will search your webserver for the file, if found your site has been verified. 

The second option is to copy and paste the generated META TAG into the html of the site’s home page. This is the easier of the two options. For blogs hosted by blogger ( or hosting services similar in nature, this is your only option. To insert the META TAG, you must first obtain a copy of it by copying the generated code. For website owners this tag can be added to your website using any html editor, I am sure you are familiar how to do this. Bloggers, however, need to enter into their blog options and navigate to the template page, under the “Live on Blog” option there is the option to “edit HTML”, select this, and on the next page select “proceed” (Template>Edit HTML>Proceed).

how to add blogger to google search engine webmaster tools
 Once you are viewing the HTML, the META TAG can be placed directly underneath the <head> tag. Once you have pasted the META Tag, click "save template" and close. You can now return to Google Webmaster Tools and verify your website, but for the website to be crawled you must also add a site map. Read my article on adding a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.

Thanks for reading, please comment, like our post on reddit and check out the articles below!!      

Learn about the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques I applied in this article 

What TheBloggStory is about

Hey guys,
I found this video online, How Yaro Stark Created a 10,000/month blogging empire, and thought it was very insightful. He briefly talks about how most bloggers who blog about a journey whether it is weight loss, making money, etc... merely regurgitate material rather than test the material and share the results. Having seen this I wanted to clarify that this blog is based around researching seo, blog promotion, advertisement techniques, etc... and applying them to this very blog and then sharing my results with you. This is not a blog about theory but about actually applying the theory and how to do so. I also want this blog to be as much about myself as it is about you and your comments. This is my first blog so in some cases you might actually know more than I do and if that is the case please share.

Monday, July 2, 2012


As you might have noticed a couple of posts down I have an infographic. An info-graphic is, well... a graphic with information in it. But more importantly it contains a link to the originating website. During the first few days of this blog I sought to spread the word by linking to our site using forums such as YouTube, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and etc... I also thought that hosting an image on Deviant-art or Google images, for example, might help to tap into another type of reader. This, however, I had not got around to doing. Today, I came across this article detailing how infographics can be great for the propagation of advertisements and references to origin site and realized that I had already succumbed to this tactic.

Why did I have an infographic on my site? I had one because It was much easier to copy the image than retype the information in my own words.

The image not only contains the information but also a link to the original website. This acts to redirect traffic to their website but also to increase the page rank. One of the factors that Google uses to determine the grade of content on a page is to measure the number of references to it.

In conclusion, use infographics because:

  • They are informative 
  • Easily propagate through the internet
  • Redirect traffic to your page
  • Increase your page rank
I think I will begin creating some infographics.

Thanks again. Comments, advice and grammatical corrections are welcome. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012