Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ramblings #2

I found this interesting graphic and thought it might be beneficial for all to see.

The SEOGadget guide to Conversion Rate Optimisation - Infographic
A CRO infographic by, read the full guide on SEOmoz

#4 Reaching out to Fellow Bloggers

I have begun reaching out to fellow bloggers with similar content as my own. I began by posting comments to several of their articles introducing my own site, but also by contacting the site admin or owner and requesting a line of communication be open for interview or sharing of advice. For now we wait and hope for a response, as I continue requesting attention.

Thanks again

#3 Youtube

I have created a YouTube account linking to this website with the hope of attracting user from YouTube. Eventually I will try to upload content to YouTube promoting the site as well as engage in commenting on videos of similar content to help spread the word.

TheBloggStory on YouTube


Ramblings #1

Hello all, (aka. myself, my mom and that strange guy down the street)

     Approximately 6 hours have passed since my last activity on the blog. We are currently at about a total of 81 page views, and no likes or shares of any nature.

I have Just modified the layout, style, and background of the webpage as to create a more personal experience.

Currently, I am attempting to get the word out about the website, so I have posted the page to Reddit at the link, TheBloggStory: the chronicle of a bloggs rise to fame and fortune, as well as StumbleUpon. Today, I will continue to promote the site by posting on forums, blogs and websites, so that I might increase the flow of viewers to the website.

I will also attempt to add content and revise some of the previous content on the page.

In summary my objective today are to:
1. Put our link out in as many places as possible to generate flow of viewers to webpage.
2. Modify webpage so that they stay, read, like and potentially become a subscriber to the cause.

Thanks again!

Like, Comment (even if it is to correct grammar), Subscribe and Promote

#2 Reddit

I was hesitant at first for fear of being humiliated and downgraded to something less than human for grammatical errors and shameless self-promotion, but there is no bad publicity.

See TheBloggStory on Reddit


#1 StumbleUpon

I have submitted the blog to StumbleUpon as well as the Google. By submitting the content to Google, Google will parse it for keywords, content, etc... so that it can be incorporated into their search engine.


In the Beginning...

"The moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding-places. Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate lifeless clay? My limbs now tremble, and my eyes swim with the remembrance; but then a resistless and almost frantic impulse urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit."

-Mary Shelley

     It was the dark and stormy night of June 30th, when I, in a rage fueled by overwhelming amounts of caffeine, created... TheBloggStory.

     TheBloggStory is an attempt to chronicle a small blogg's rise to fame and fortune by means of genius SEO, promotion, your help and a little luck -- a man can dream right? Personally, this is my first endeavor in publishing to the interwebs, but hope it proves successful in both reaching a substancial number of viewers, and in shedding some light on the process for both myself and engaged followers.

     I will attempt to record major promotion moves and whatnot by making posts detailing exactly what has been done and when it occured. As far as promotions sponsored by other viewers, a comment on the most recent blog post will have to suffice until a better method is created, that is if it is needed. Having said this, all the support we can get is appreciated. With this I say ado and leave you with the following quote -- I believe it goes something like this:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Reddit."

-Mark Twain